As Christmas approaches, Managing Director at Highlander, Steve Brown, shares some gift advice from some of the company’s directors, along with a top 5 for the new year in terms of your business IT.

Systems Development Director John loves to travel, he also loves a bargain. He says these are perfect for someone who likes to keep out the noise of pesky family members on those flights…  We’ve seen these as low at £50!

Noise Cancelling Headphones

Sales Director Owen has two kids who love their fitness, and gadgets too. They’re pushing him for an Apple Watch this year. Choice of watch faces and straps, and able to link to their iPhones. Not cheap, so he’ll have to be on the sherry to authorise this one we reckon!

Apple Watch
Apple Watch

One gadget that has caught the eye of Operations Director Peter has been sleep rings. Starting at £50, these can be insightful for those looking to improve their quality of sleep as they give feedback and advice on how to improve it. Some can be quite stylish too!

Sleep ring
Sleep Ring

The geekiest present comes from Technical Director Chris. The Flipper Zero is described as a toy-like portable hacking tool, marketed to “geeks,” red team hackers and pen testers to expose vulnerabilities in the world around them, like a cybersecurity X-ray. Could be a starter for those wanting to get into the world of cyber security!

Flipper Zero
The Flipper Zero Tool

And finally, we’ve got to plug the Apple AirTags yet again. Commercial Director Ryan and the kids have a love affair for misplacing items. Stick these to them and the problem is solved!

Air tag
Apple AirTags

Before we know it, we’ll be welcoming in the new year. It’s been an exciting 2023 at Highlander, with lots of activity in the technology sector that now requires plenty of thought into 2024.

  1. Check the cloud….
    Organisations are now acutely aware that the cloud isn’t a floating freebie. Speak with your IT partner to check your licencing and focus on Microsoft and it’s Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) programme and New Commerce Experience (NCE).
  2. Increase your cyber security
    Cybercrime continues to rise. A check on your systems, process and passwords is something that should be high on the agenda. We say this so much – it doesn’t need to cost the earth. Often awareness training and process tweaks can be the greatest forms of defence.
  3. A year to be more agile?
    Modern workplace is the buzz phrase. Getting there usually requires a partner who understands your business needs and designs a solution to meet these. Often the software and hardware is already there, it just needs deploying to give your staff a brilliant working experience.
  4. Be world-class at serving your employees
    All of the tech in the world won’t guarantee employee satisfaction. Find a provider that provides quality staff to assist, and gives average callbacks of around 30 minutes, with over 90% resolution on first call. Time is money and happy users are more productive employees.
  5. Create a strategic plan
    If you have 10 users or 1,000, having a vision and a plan for your IT is so important. Aligning this to the goals of the organisation will ensure you are getting the most out of your technology.

All of the above requires one thing to start with: a discussion. If you would like to book in with one of our team of experts at Highlander, then do not hesitate to get in touch. //

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