One of the 100 most influential women in technology, Polly Barnfield OBE, is headlining the speaker line-up at the third Chesterfield Investment Summit which is being held on Wednesday 11 September.

Founder and CEO of Maybe*, Polly is part of the UK Government’s High Street Task Force which was launched by High Streets Minister Jake Berry MP on 2 July to support local leaders to revitalise high streets and town centres.

As part of her presentation, Polly will address how Chesterfield businesses can use social media analysis to attract shoppers and revitalise the modern high street.

The free to attend event, which is being held at Casa Hotel in Chesterfield from 8.30am – 12 noon, will give delegates a detailed overview of investment opportunities in Chesterfield and North Derbyshire.

The event is organised by Derbyshire Economic Partnership, Destination Chesterfield and Marketing Derby joint partners in the EU funded Invest in D2N2 project with a focus on promoting Derbyshire both nationally and globally as the place to invest for growth and quality of life. The event is also part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

In addition to Polly Barnfield, speakers at the event will also include by Peter Storey, Head of Markham Vale at Derbyshire County Council who will update on  the 200-acre business park considered to be Derbyshire’s flagship regeneration scheme and Huw Bowen, Chief Executive of Chesterfield Borough Council.

As well as the keynote speakers, there will be a networking breakfast, exhibition and a question and answer panel with speakers and local decision makers.

Peter Swallow, Chair of Destination Chesterfield, said: “The town is renowned for bucking the trend, from retail figures to tourism, but we must not rest on our laurels. The annual Investment Summit is an excellent opportunity for the business community to come together and understand the investment potential of the town, be enthused for the future and work wth each other to ensure we achieve Chesterfield’s potential.”