Barnsley College student Ashton Knight has turned his love for designing stickers and accessories into a career as he launches his own business, Ashton’s Sticker Cabin.

Studying Level 3 Photography at the College, Ashton has always had a creative flair and been interested in owning his own business. He decided to take the leap into the world of entrepreneurship after creating business pages online, advertising his products on social media and receiving engagement from the public.

Ashton currently sells his work on eBay and Depop and runs a TikTok account to showcase the range of products he has to offer including stickers, key rings and art pieces.

Ashton said: “I’ve always wanted a business of some sort, during secondary school I knew I wanted to do something but only now have I realised exactly what that is. I love being able to share my work with people.

“My College course definitely helped to boost my creative mindset. During lockdown I have been coming up with new product ideas that I can work on, looking for product inspiration online and asking for recommendations from those around me.”

Ashton’s business has been made possible through the help of iTrust, Barnsley College’s Enterprise initiative. iTrust is a joint venture between the College, The Barnsley Chronicle and The Business Village, which supports students interested in starting up a business in Barnsley. Students who choose to receive support from iTrust, will have access to an array of information and guidance such as mentoring from industry specialists and local businesses and financial investments. Ashton could receive a grant of £250 from iTrust which he would put towards new materials such as polymer clay, new ink for his printers, improved packaging materials and more.

Jess Widdowson, Enterprise Team Leader at Barnsley College, added: “Ashton has a fantastic brand creating bespoke, handmade products that are really unique and individual. He has a clear idea of where the company is heading, and I can’t wait to see it grow. The Enterprise department at Barnsley College is particularly committed to transforming the lives of students, staff and communities and so I look forward to supporting with the marketing of the company and seeing how iTrust can support with the growth of the business.”