Barnsley College Childcare and Education Professions students have had the chance to hear from a range of virtual guest speakers as part of Childcare Industry Week.

Rebecca Brown, Founder and Lead Consultant of Think Wow, was the first guest speaker of the week. Delivering keynote workshops around the world, Rebecca is an anti-bullying advocate and spoke to students about recognising bullying, the importance of asking for help and the hurtful effects that by-standing can have.

She also shared with the students her own experiences of bullying both as a youngster at school and an adult in the workplace and shared tips and tricks on how to overcome any feelings of self-doubt.

Nicola Brown and Rachel Burley, Family Law Solicitors from MKB Solicitors, were also among the week’s guest speakers. Nicola and Rachel shared their personal journeys into Law and shared an insight into what they do on a day-to-day basis. Students asked Nicola and Rachel an array of questions from how best to manage emotional attachment to children and young people to how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected what they do.

Students also heard from Karon Widdowson, Area Manager for Special Service for Special Educational Needs (SSSEN). Karon delivered an informative workshop around her personal journey into working with Special Educational Needs children and the benefits she thinks this has. Karon shed light on the students’ potential future career paths and spoke of the varying teaching opportunities that are available to them.

Other guest speakers who participated in Childcare Industry Week included Dave Kneeshaw, Director of Better Minds and Yasmin Winder, Volunteer Co-ordinator at Barnsley CVS.

Claire Taylor, a Level 2 Childcare student, said: “I have really enjoyed listening to and learning from experts’ experiences in the Childcare industry. I’ve learnt lots about patience in the classroom and it’s qualities like these that I will apply in my studies, particularly when I am on placement.

“I love having the chance to take part in weeks like this! It’s great to hear from people just like us that are in careers we aspire to have!”

Emma Harvey, Tutorial Team Leader for Childcare and Education Professions at Barnsley College, added: “We always look forward to our Industry Week as it provides students with guidance and support to enable them to make well informed decisions when thinking about progression and career choices.”

The week’s events were organised by the College’s Enterprise department in order to broaden students’ knowledge about their potential future career paths, inform them of the varying occupations and ensure greater understanding of the skill-sets required to work in the Childcare industry.

The College continues to Transform Lives and help our students to fulfil their full potential by providing them with an outstanding experience. Industry Weeks allow students to gain first-hand knowledge and insight into their chosen industry and inspire them to progress onto higher level study or employment and reach their full potential.