With demand for free from and vegan foods growing year on year, Sheffield-based ice-cream makers Yee Kwan tell Ashley Birch @ Pushsheffield about the launch of a new vegan ice cream brand, Frolyk 

“We launched new vegan ice cream brand Frolyk in December in readiness for Veganuary, which is growing in popularity. 

Through our research studies, children and young people can access the latest in treatments and technology, meaning that we can provide the most up-to-date care for our patients.

“Demand for free from and vegan foods is growing 18.3 per cent year on year and so we decided to focus on developing a range of vegan ice creams that everyone can enjoy.”

Frolyk offers three flavours in their range – chocolate, salted caramel, and vanilla.

The range aims to put an end to ‘bland and boring’ dairy-free ice cream alternatives and has been developed on the back of a personal journey for the brand’s founder.

“During the first lockdown I decided to eat more healthily and reduce my intake of animal products, which has helped me mentally and physically,” explains Yee Kwan. “One of my children suffers from a dairy intolerance and I didn’t want them to miss out on enjoying an ice cream with their siblings.

“I’m also more aware of living a sustainable lifestyle, and looking after our planet for our children’s future, so I decided to focus on developing a range of vegan flavours that everyone can enjoy.

“We are happy to be working with a number of independent retailers and restaurants in Sheffield who will stock our yummy pots of deliciousness.”

If you’ve already tried Yee Kwan ice cream, you’ll already know just how amazing and unusual their flavour combinations can be. Owners Yee Kwan and Anthony say they are on a ‘lifelong mission to introduce authentic East Asian flavours into ice cream, sorbet and desserts.’

For over ten years they have been tantalising taste buds, and winning plenty of awards and admirers along the way.

For more info, head over to their Instagram page @frolykicecream

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