A heart-warming moment involving a Streets Ahead employee has led to the installation of a defibrillator outside the Olive Grove Depot in Sheffield.
Thanks to the dedication of one Streets Ahead worker, a brand new defibrillator has now been installed at the highways depot, following months of fundraising for the life-saving piece of kit.
A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart through the chest wall to someone who is in cardiac arrest. Like this one, many defibrillators are accessible to the public to use during an emergency.
“It was whilst I was on a First Aid course that I realised we didn’t have a defibrillator here at the depot,” said Carl Padgett, Highways Supervisor at Streets Ahead.
“Considering what a vital role it could play during a medical emergency, I discussed the need for it with our Safety Action Group. They suggested I took a lead on the fundraising and as I’m never one to shy away from a challenge, I decided to go for it.
“I was spurred on by the fact that it would not only benefit those who work in the depot, but also people who live and work nearby, who would also be able to access it, if needed.”
In just a number of weeks, Carl managed to raise enough money to purchase the defibrillator and donate the remainder to the British Heart Foundation and Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity. Amey Plc also donated half of the cost in support of Carl’s efforts.
The defibrillator, positioned outside the main entrance to the depot on Heeley Bank Road, is available for all the community to use.
Ian Pearse, Director of WEL Medical states, “The dedication of Carl Padgett in raising awareness of the need for defibrillators in the work place, and his fund-raising, is tremendous.
“We are delighted to supply the IPAD SP1 defibrillator that has been chosen for Olive Grove Depot and the local community.
“The iPAD SP1 is an award-winning defibrillator and a nominated unit of the British Heart Foundation and is also supplied to the NHS Ambulance Services across the UK and via Community First Responders to support of local community public access (CPAD) schemes.”
WEL Medical was chosen as the partner of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) on its part-funding scheme and more recently as a partner of the Football Association to provide the iPAD SP1 to all grass-roots clubs.
They are also working with the Lawn Tennis Association on a similar initiative and are in discussions with other private and public organisations.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service keeps a record of the locations of all remote defibrillators at: www.communityresponders.yas.nhs.uk/Community_Public_Access_Defibrillators.html
Should anyone call 999 needing assistance in the local area, they will know to direct a member of the public to the unit outside the depot.
Kiri Frampton, Community Defibrillation Co-ordinator from Yorkshire Ambulance Service said:
“My colleagues and I are working hard along with Communities to install Public Access Defibrillators across all areas of Yorkshire. Installing AED’s that are available to the Community 24/7 means that the time between a person suffering a cardiac arrest and them receiving vital treatment can be much reduced.”
“All the people involved deserve a massive ‘thank you’ for being prepared to go that extra mile to make Heeley and its community a safer place. One day they could be life-savers.”
The defibrillator is maintained remotely and is powered by a long-life battery meaning that it will always be ready for use.