If your 2022 will involve permanent hybrid working, it’s unlikely you reached that decision lightly. However, it’s impossible to consider everything.

We are seeing clear trends in the challenges being met by early adopters. If you’re embarking on a similar journey, ask yourself if you’re prepared for:

  1. Keeping track of tech

When you sent your people home last March, you probably sent them with laptops, monitors and other high-value assets. Did you take time to log all of these? If so, can you easily check their status or location now? Managing these valuable assets on a long-term basis requires a sophisticated solution, plus resource to log them retroactively if needed.

  1. The cost of downtime

Does it take your IT team longer to resolve technical issues for multiple users across multiple locations? If a device breaks – highly likely if it’s being constantly moved between home and office – what’s your process to collect, repair and return it to remote users while minimising downtime for the end user.

  1. A unified estate

Effective hybrid working requires tech that integrates seamlessly. If you’re utilising legacy suppliers and tools that don’t work together, you could be diminishing productivity and collaboration. Would consolidating your tech estate ensure that less does more?

  1. Help to succeed

There are many choices when it comes to end-to-end tech for supporting your hybrid working environment. If you’d benefit from a dedicated adviser to guide you on tech and services that will work for your business and help you succeed, get in touch via www.millgate.co.uk.

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