Pupils from a local primary school in Doncaster have been getting an insight into the commercial business sector at Frenchgate Shopping Centre.

As part of a Virgin Money project, called Make £5 Grow, kids from Willow Primary School were each given £5 to set up a mini business and tasked with raising as much money as possible.

The youngsters worked in groups to come up with a product or service they would offer. They then presented their ideas to a panel of experts who provided them with feedback before they launched to the public at Frenchgate.

Sweet jars, cupcakes, candles, photo frames and games were just some of the products the children designed and made by hand. They each had to source, cost, and purchase their materials and spent the days leading up to the event manufacturing their final products.

Karen Staniforth, assistant general manager at Frenchgate, said: “The Make £5 Grow day was a resounding success, with the children absolutely delighted to sell their products at Frenchgate.

“The pupils had some fantastic ideas – it was lovely to see them so enthused and passionate about their projects and I’m sure many of them are well on their way to becoming young entrepreneurs.

“It was really well received by our customers, with some of the stalls even selling out of their products!

“It’s important to nurture creativity and business acumen we are always keen to support this type of initiative again next year.”

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