A combination of spring water and crushed fruit, naturally low in sugars and uniquely with no added sugar or sweeteners, we speak to PHROOTI founder and director Jerôme Jacob…
I was inspired to start my business by …
The desire to work for myself and build a company that has a positive impact, while having fun.
My favourite thing about running my business is …
The total variety of things you do in a day. You can swap from doing a VAT return to overseeing new branding or a marketing campaign in an instant. It’s also exciting knowing the products you are selling are helping people cut down on their sugar intake while also helping regenerate British wildflower meadows, which have declined by 97% in the last century.
The three words that best describe my business are …
Fruity, ballsy & altruistic.
Sheffield is a great place to start a business because …
Everyone wants to help.
Sheffield has an industrial heart with a forward-thinking approach that means people know what it takes to get things done and they’re keen to help you get ‘there’.
Sheffield is a great place to grow a business because …
With the Peak District as your back garden, you have such a good quality of life that you can think better and work better – meaning your results are better.
The best advice I ever got was …
“If you want money, ask for advice. If you want advice, ask for money.”
The worst advice I ever got was …
“Build it and they will come” – the work is in the pushing.
The Sheffield organisations that have supported me and my business include …
University of Sheffield, Wosskow Brown Foundation and BHP chartered accountants.
The main challenges facing my industry/sector are …
Competitiveness and funding.
You’ve got to have a real point of difference to earn your place on the shelves and to stay there.
And then you need significant investment to build a team, get momentum and for cash flow.
In 5 years’ time I expect my business to …
Be alive, thriving and expanding.
Pic credit: Mark Harvey