Sheffield City Council has started to make one-off payments from the latest government grant scheme, ‘Restart Grants’, to eligible rate paying and non-rate paying businesses in the city. Additional payments are also being made as part of the locally developed Supply Chain Grant Scheme.

The Restart Grant Scheme supports businesses in the non-essential retail, hospitality, leisure, personal care, accommodation, entertainment and gym sectors with a one-off grant, to reopen safely as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. The new scheme will give much needed support to businesses who have been forced to close for a significant period of time.

Non-essential retail businesses will receive up to £6,000 depending on their Rateable Value or rent. Hospitality, leisure, personal care, accommodation, entertainment and gym sector businesses will receive up to £18,000 depending on Rateable Value or rent.

Payments will be made automatically to businesses who have previously submitted a successful application to Sheffield City Council for a forced closure grant (for being forced to close under Covid-19 restrictions), unless there has been a change of circumstances which should be made known to the Council.

Businesses that haven’t previously applied for a forced closure grant but are eligible can apply for the Restart Grant Scheme now. Application forms for rate payers and non-ratepayers are available here. Businesses are advised to apply as soon as possible and no later than 30th June 2021.

To be eligible, businesses must have been ‘trading’ on 1st April 2021.

Those who applied and were successful in the Supply Chain Grant Scheme will also receive an automatic repeat payment of up to £4200. This scheme supports eligible businesses in the supply chain to the hospitality, accommodation, leisure, and entertainment sectors.

Edward Highfield, Director of City Growth at Sheffield City Council said: ‘We are delighted that we are now able to pay the Restart grants to eligible businesses. We know how important it is to get these grants out quickly at such a critical time as businesses start to reopen. We also know that businesses may still be confused about whether they need to reapply. We have streamlined the grant application process as much as possible so business who have previously received a forced closure grant and are still eligible will receive their payment automatically. If you are a business who didn’t get round to applying- now is the time to check your eligibility and apply.”

Businesses who previously applied and were successful for an Essential Open or a Small Business/Self-Employed grant will not be eligible for further payments.

For support and advice on accessing these grants, please contact Business Sheffield on telephone 0114 224 5000 or email