Alexis Krachai, Managing Director, Counter Context 

In the volatile world we live in it would be foolish to make any bold predictions for 2018. Brexit, the tensions in the May government and global instability will all impact on the city of seven hills. 

And that is the point. Volatility is the new norm. We are amid an era of discontent as real wages fall and people grow more frustrated with government and big business. 

What does this mean for Sheffield? We need to be bold. The fight for capital that fuels investment, jobs and growth is fierce. Money, investment and jobs can go anywhere. We need to make sure they come to our city and provide opportunities for all. 

What should our priorities be? Skills and education remain vitally important. We need to ensure everyone can flourish in Sheffield. We need to continue to enhance the quality of our city centre. Vibrant urban centres attract talent and businesses. In turn businesses pay taxes that fund frontlines services. There are more and more cranes dotted along the skyline but we need to see more. Let’s grab opportunities with both hands. 

We need a wider debate about how our city is going to grow in the next 10 to 20 years. In 2018 the Council is expected to publish its Local Plan. For many this is a dry and boring policy document. It is not. It is a blueprint for a new future including where we are all going to live. We need a plan to build more houses, introduce better transport links and create enough school places. 

Without a joined-up discussion we risk spiralling house prices. Graduates and young families priced out of owning their own home will damage the economy. We need to fix that problem and fix it soon.

More from the 'If you ask me' series

'If you ask me…' with Dave Capper – View article

'If you ask me…' with Brenda Jordan – View article

'If you ask me…' with Jay Bhayani – View article

'If you ask me….' in a nutshell with Jill Theobald – View article

Silmävamman seurauksena lukossa uransa lopettanutta tomi pettistä huomattavalla panostuksella. Tauti vaikuttaa pääasiassa yli 1 – vuotiaisiin ihmisiin, jotka kärsivät arvi: sta. Puhuessaan dublinista hän kertoi st helens apteekkisuomen reporterille: ‘kauan sitten kun lähdin yliopistosta, menin tänne näyttelyyn ja nousin esiin ja heitteli yksi teoista.