With house prices holding their own and new stock coming on to the market, Rochelle Gilburn, founder of Gilburn Investment Group, shares her lockdown business and life lessons – and how she can help you build a steady income through property

I never could have predicted how lockdown would affect my business. I expected it to be a lonely time of isolation. Being a widow with two young kids and running a business was never going to be an easy task.

However, we made it – my children are now back at school, and I managed to keep the business going, despite the difficulties.

I have done more networking and built more relationships over this time than I would have without quarantine. Zoom has become my new coffee shop and I’ve added the buzzword ‘Voffee’ to my daily vocab. Meetings have become more relaxed with children and pets stealing the spotlight!

With everything slowing down, we’ve been given a taster of what life could be like if we didn’t have to work long days. Many of us have been fortunate enough to enjoy the time off in the sun with our immediate family. It has shown us a new way of living.

I’ve had a lot of people contacting me over the last couple of months who have realised that they want to make sure they can retire early, that they have a bit more money in their pocket every month, and can enjoy their lives.

How can I help?

I’m not here to advise you on your finances, but what I can do is help you to come up with a plan to build a steady income through property. I can bring you the right property deals that will give you the required cashflow to help reach your goals.

I manage the process from start to finish so that you can sit back and relax. I’ll find the properties, project manage the renovation and put you in touch with the best solicitors, mortgage advisors and letting agents.

The buzz around the property market

Since we got the nod from the government that estate agents could open back up and viewings could once again take place, there has been a real buzz around the market.

House prices are holding their own and a lot of new stock is coming on to the market. There are still a lot of people out there looking to buy.

The majority of the deals I source for my clients don’t come from estate agents. I have access to properties that are not on the market which means my clients get the best possible deals without the competition.

When is the best time to invest?

The answer to that question is always now – there’s no time like the present.

You could wait until house prices fall, but when will that be and what will your excuses be then?

There are always a million reasons to wait before you do something, but while you’re waiting, that money in the bank earning 0.01% could be generating you an income.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me:

Call: 0114 4381 272

Email: rochelle@gilburninvestmentgroup.com

Web: www.gilburninvestmentgroup.com

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