City Region mayor Dan Jarvis praised the vital contribution made by members of Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber and has pledged to do more to unlock economic growth after making a commitment to address ‘deep rooted structural challenges’.

Speaking at Chamber Means Business, hosted by the Chamber, Mr Jarvis praised the contribution made by its members, and important role the Chamber plays in representing the challenges faced by the local business community. During his address, he laid out his plans to address challenges facing productivity, transport infrastructure and building a skilled workforce for the future.

Later during the event, which saw more than 350 in attendance, business owners participated in a forum session hosted by Lisa Pogson, President of the Chamber, giving them the chance to hear about future regeneration and investment plans within Barnsley and Rotherham town centres, as well as finding more about the work being delivered by McLaren from their site on Rotherham’s Advanced Manufacturing Park. The audience also posed questions to representatives from Barnsley and Rotherham Councils as well as hearing more about the future plans for the Wentworth Woodhouse estate.

Supported with a sell-out exhibition which featured over 50 businesses from across the region, the event recorded its highest ever number of participants and brought together senior business figures alongside new entrepreneurs, showcasing some of the innovative work currently being undertaken across the Sheffield City Region, sponsored by Burrows Fleet and Business Centre, ONS Group and Osborne Technologies.

Speaking at Chamber Means Business, Mayor Dan Jarvis said: “I was pleased to address the Chamber Means Business event and hear from companies across Barnsley and Rotherham, who have so much to offer our region.

“But I am under no illusions of the challenges facing our business community, in areas such as skills and transport infrastructure. Westminster cannot and never will be best placed to deliver a response to these challenges. We must own them.  So as Mayor, I am getting on with the job, providing leadership, vision and ambition.

“I serve as Mayor because I believe ours is a region whose best days are in front of us – not behind us. Since my election in May I have been focused on developing a vision for a Global Innovation Corridor that builds on the advanced manufacturing and engineering strengths we have here. This will help in creating a truly connected set of business to business interactions, as well as attracting new global investors.

“We all have a part to play in telling our story, and there is much for us to champion. I will personally be taking this story around the world to seek new investment, build new partnerships and attract new businesses – and I hope businesses in the Sheffield City Region will also join me in telling this story, wherever we go.” 

Andrew Denniff, Chief Executive, Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce said: “Chamber Means Business is a unique event in the Chamber calendar. One which provides our members with the chance to hear about future plans for the region, as well as offering a chance to make new connections and create opportunities to retain business within the local economy.

“It is clear from the speeches by both Mr Jarvis and our representatives from Barnsley and Rotherham Councils the vital role every business plays in helping to shape the local economy and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the day, from our visitors to our exhibitors for making this year’s event our most successful one to date.”

Chamber Means Business will return in 2019.