The St Luke’s Hospice Active Intervention Centre know that creativity is one of the keys to feeling well.

But just because the centre’s Creative Activities Room in Little Common Lane has been temporarily closed by the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s no reason for that creative process to be halted.

For Specialist Palliative Care Occupational Therapy Assistant Anne Wilkinson is making up special craft packs to make sure patients don’t miss out on some of their favourite activities.

“We know how much our patients enjoy their creative sessions and we realised we could do something to help them carry on those creative activities at home,” said Anne, who is tailoring the support packs to meet the needs of the individual.

“I’ve been able to put together things like card making materials, decoupage and little mosaic kits and I’ve also included some puzzles because our patients always like those.

“We have one patient who loves painting by numbers so I’ve put a package together for him and we have another who really enjoys silk painting, which is something we can supply the materials for too.”

A first wave of creative packages has already gone out and Anne is already looking forward to being able to reach out to more patients.

“A lot of our patients spend a lot of time in our Creative Activities Room and we’re getting some really nice letters and emails from them saying how good it is that they can carry on those activities at home.

“It’s all about us trying to support people as much as we always do, which is what St Luke’s is all about.”

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