Doncaster Business Awards Raise Over £4,800 for Local Charities

Following the Doncaster Business awards held in December, Doncaster Chamber and its members have raised over £4,800 through a charity raffle.


The charity donations will be split equally between four local charities: Cast Theatre, Doncaster Little Theatre, DARTS and the South Yorkshire Community Foundation, all selected as the Doncaster Chamber President’s charities for 2019.


Michael Wilkinson, former President of Doncaster Chamber, said:


“Amazing art and culture doesn’t just happen on it’s own, and at the heart of Doncaster are some amazing arts organisations working hard to ensure that world class culture is available to Doncaster’s residents. I was delighted to be able to support three arts charities that are in Chamber membership to benefit from our Business Awards fund raising. Cast, Doncaster Little Theatre and DARTS all do amazing things to enliven our borough.


“Following the tragic flooding events in Doncaster last year I took the immediate step to add the South Yorkshire Community Foundation to our selection of supported charities. Along with support from Team Doncaster partners and from many local businesses, they have been central in the flood support and I would like to thank them personally for their hard work.”


Michelle Dickinson from the South Yorkshire Community Foundation (SYCF), said:

“The support for the South Yorkshire Flood Disaster Relief Appeal has been incredible and the way Doncaster has rallied together and helped one another at this incredibly difficult time is truly humbling. Doncaster Chamber’s support and fundraising for the appeal is very much appreciated and their efforts have taken us closer to our current fundraising target of £600,000.


“The appeal has already distributed over £170,000 in emergency payments of £200 to flooded households and we have now launched our second phase of payments of up £5,000 to help people repair their homes, replace the items they’ve lost and get back to some normality.”


Clare Clarkson, Deputy Director at Cast, said:


“We and our partners are delighted to be supported by these prestigious awards which so effectively showcase Doncaster’s business accomplishments. Having three organisations from the arts sector being chosen as charities for the awards will help to continue in breaking down barriers to arts participation, helping us to engage hard to reach audiences within the local community. Arts participation can greatly improve an individual’s health and wellbeing, and we continue to strive for equal access for all. In this way we mirror Doncaster Chamber’s vision to be a credible and helpful source of empowerment for the local community, working hard to bring the World to Doncaster and Doncaster to the World.”


The annual Doncaster Business Awards, sponsored in 2019 by Doncaster College & University Centre, are a highly-anticipated annual recognition and celebration of excellence across Doncaster business. Each year all monies raised in the charity raffle are donated to the year’s chosen charities. Prizes in 2019 were all donated by local businesses and included a helicopter experience, a private box at Doncaster Racecourse, personal training sessions and overnight stays at top hotels in the area.


From left to right the attached photo shows: Michael Wilkinson (former Doncaster Chamber President), Michelle Dickinson (South Yorkshire Community Foundation), Helen Jones (DARTS), Graham Carpenter (Doncaster Little Theatre), Clare Clarkson (Cast) and Dan Fell (Doncaster Chamber).

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