Our columnist says add social media to enhance your brand message

Social Media? Participate, don’t spectate!

Like it or loathe it, social media is a positively instrumental business tool to many businesses and brands. It is a phenomenon that is hard to not be involved in, often so that you are kept up-to-date real time on news, announcements and offers from your local business community and favourite brands.

However, if you are utilising social media to consume content from areas of necessity and interest to you, how are you making your message readily available to others?

I hear it time and time again how individuals are afraid to use their social media platforms to promote themselves and communicate their message and value to their marketplace.

The common reservations holding people back include:

– fear of judgement and criticism

– uncertainty around expectations and what is deemed acceptable

– lack of personal confidence to share and deliver content

It is much easier therefore to spectate than it is to participate. It saves face and, indeed, pressure.

However, whilst this removes you personally from the ‘firing line’ of public exposure, it limits the reach of your brand message and business value.

You are therefore potentially leaving deals on the table by creating restrictions around three key areas:

– audience reach

– regularity of communication

– transactional windows

I am not for one moment suggesting traditional styles of business exposure and marketing such as advertising, word of mouth and networking aren’t worthwhile because they all are fruitful if you make it that way.

Imagine, though, how powerful and impactful you can be with a varied marketing mix utilising all channels, but by using social media as your consistent platform for accessibility of information and reference for your marketplace.

Instant communication. Continual rapport. Endless opportunities. 

  • Overcoming your own personal barriers towards social media is the first hurdle to clear.
  • Then you can understand more about the different platforms and how they are best suited to you, your brand and your audience.
  • Learn how you can communicate and what content is of value.
  • Commit to the process, leave your comfort zone and adopt practise in what can be an extremely beneficial tool for you.

It is through an accumulation of these tactics that you become more confident in your approach. You don’t just decide to be confident – it is a learned behaviour and growth of confidence using social media is no different.

People still buy from people – social media allows another layer of this interpersonal opportunity. Why would you not want to elevate yourself in business this way? Eliminating the fears and reservations first of course!

When people say to me the famous saying of ‘oh it’s alright for you’, I do take pleasure in reminding people I am still learning and growing with new content strategies. I too was once afraid to jump in and be visible. But I adopted a growth mindset and quickly appreciated that other people’s opinions didn’t pay my bills!

To learn more join me on the ‘Confidence Using Social Media’ workshop at the Sheffield City Hall, Wednesday 19 February. 

Visit www.helpingentrepreneurswin.com for more info and bookings.

Helen Williams


07881 917665