I was inspired to start my business by…

A failed attempt at retirement! I chose redundancy after an amazing 23 years with Shell International. I spent the first months kicking back and relaxing but I soon got bored.  I initially set up the Steve Knapp Sales Consultancy to help medium to large companies develop sales processes. But what really got me excited was the idea of making my vast experience relevant to smaller businesses. The idea is now to also run The Sales Mindset Coach sales training business.

My favourite thing about running my business is…

Not having to speak in corporate talk!

I honestly believe people didn’t have a clue what I talking when I first came out of ‘retirement’. Needless to say I don’t use words like holistic and synergy anymore.

The three words that best describe my business are…

Accessible, relevant and actionable,

Sheffield City Region is a great place to start a business because…

I have the privilege of living in the Peak District with just a 30 minute drive to get me to Sheffield city centre. And if I need to be in London I can there in just over 2 hours. Perfect!

Sheffield City Region is a great place to grow a business because…

I can feel how much energy and diversity in business there is. It is a region on the up and it’s a privilege to be a part of it!

The best advice I ever got was…

See your work as a game. Set out to enjoy it, practise to get better at it and above all help others first because it will pay you back.

The worst advice I ever got was…

This is more of a word of caution. My worst advice came via a bad choice of advisor.  There are so many business coaches out there. Ensure you ask for references and referrals before you spend your money and take the advice.

The organisations that have supported me and my business include …

In this first year its been more the smaller business owners and the networking events of Sheffield City Region that have supported me. A big shout to The Firm and latterly The Power Hour. Moving forward I’m working much closer with Sheffield Chamber.

The main challenges facing my industry/sector are …

I see them more as realities and opportunities. More shopping and buying is now done online and our consumer experiences now influence our professional expectations. AI has started to touch us everyday and inform our decisions. Data is being used to guide our choices and what we see. Being cognisant of these things means you not only survive but thrive.

In 5 years’ time I expect my business to …

Be pretty much the reference point for the region’s smaller business owner when it comes to sales. Perhaps a franchise or who knows – maybe I’ll have sold the business and I can start that retirement for the second time!