Responding to the IPPR North report on nature in the North, Mayor of the Sheffield City Region, Dan Jarvis, said:

“I warmly welcome this vital report from IPPR North. It highlights how important nature is, not just in its own right but as an economic asset, a source of well-being, and a tool in the fight against flooding, pollution and climate change – benefits that are often overlooked and under-measured, but which are very real. The relative lack of access to nature by those in deprived areas and BAME groups makes this an issue of equality and basic social justice as well. Ignoring these issues is a luxury we cannot afford, especially in the difficult circumstances we are now in.

“This is why I’ve put a greener economy at the heart of what we are trying to achieve in South Yorkshire, with plans for major boosts to active travel and public transport, and support for industries at the cutting edge of the carbon transition. And we are supporting a major programme of tree-planting to bring nature into our neighbourhoods, improve quality of life, increase space for wildlife, and help control flood risks along the beautiful Don River valley which runs through the heart of our region.

“We need a Plan for Nature in the North, led by regional leaders, to safeguard our nature, and realise its potential across our region. It is an investment we urgently need to make in our planet, our people and our future.”