Hiring an SEO agency isn’t for everyone. However, there are plenty of benefits for those that it suits.
Over 2020, we saw the clients who invested in search engine optimisation (SEO) soar above their competitors – especially those who continued SEO through the worst of the pandemic.
Hiring an SEO agency is often less expensive than hiring in-house. Agencies usually have developers, copywriters, data experts and conversion rate specialists at your disposal, too. However, hiring them all individually would be costly.
This is just one benefit – if any of the following reflect your situation, hiring an agency is definitely worth considering:
You’ve got budget, but no time
The majority of businesses who outsource their SEO, do so because their in-house team doesn’t have the time (or expertise) to deliver successful campaigns.
According to Ahrefs, pages ranked at position one are, on average, almost three years old. Long-term SEO gains come from consistent optimisations, and there are very few ‘quick fixes’.
Long-term optimisations take time and dedication to drive success over months and years. Hiring experts to do the work for you, allows your team to focus on propelling other areas of your business.
You’ve seen traffic decrease and you don’t know why
SEO data tools are expensive, but when you hire an SEO agency, you’ll also have access to their premium software. They can use this data to provide in-depth analysis, helping to identify currently unknown reasons for traffic changes. This is all done at a level that is impossible to do for free.
Not only this, but they will also have worked with a huge range of clients. They can therefore use the learnings from each of those experiences and apply them to your campaign.
You’re getting traffic to the site, but it’s not converting
You may have a high volume of traffic coming from search, but is it relevant? Agencies are experts in understanding user intent and optimising sites for searches that are likely to convert.
SEO isn’t just about search results – optimisations often improve your website performance overall. While agencies work to make your site structure easily crawlable for search engines, this in turn helps users to better navigate your website (making them more likely to purchase).
Is it the right time for you to use an SEO agency?
SEO is a key element in your overall marketing strategy and should be left in capable hands. When optimisations are implemented effectively, you’ll reap the rewards in the long term.
Acknowledging when you may need agency help – and doing so at the right time – requires assessment. Reflecting on the above scenarios is a great start.
Contact the Evoluted team for all your SEO needs.