Following a return visit to meet Prime Minister Boris Johnson at 10 Downing Street this week, Guildhawk’s CEO Jurga Zilinskiene MBE left feeling reassured that the PM had listened to the points she raised with him last week. He also discussed his intention to boost international trade by providing Government funding for infrastructure programs, education, engineering and manufacturing.


Pressed about his negotiating style, the PM compared his approach with that of business leaders fighting to win a deal favourable to all parties. The reception event was attended by businesses from across the UK and, on leaving, Jurga even got to have a few words with Downing Street’s permanent resident, Larry, the official Mouser.

Jurga said there were four key messages from the PM:


  1. PM’s Commitment to Boost Trade: Following informal conversation with some guests, the PM took to the podium to deliver a short talk reiterating his commitment to do everything in his power to boost trade, and make Britain safe and well equipped to foster business.


  1. Funding for Skills: The PM said Government had set aside funds for investing in education, making sure we have well-trained people to employ, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid confirmed with a firm nod.


  1. Government Investment in Infrastructure:  When speaking about investment in infrastructure, the PM expressed his desire to see UK manufacturing and engineering industries get the chance to flourish. He mentioned agreements with other countries, and the new opportunities for international trade those would provide.


  1. PM Compared Negotiation to that Done in Business Deals: Although negotiating the rules of engagement post-Brexit is a challenge of enormous proportions with a lot at stake, it closely resembles the negotiation of a business deal. As business leaders, we put immense effort into winning contracts with the most favourable conditions possible, but there’s no guarantee we get everything we seek.



Commenting on her meeting with the PM and the reception Jurga Zilinskiene said: “As I stressed in my letter to the PM last week, I experienced the hardship of a hard exit when the Soviet Union collapsed. We are not looking at anything like that in this case, but we can expect serious challenges and must work together to overcome these.


“After listening to the PM and others business colleagues in London and Sheffield this week, it’s clear to me that we have the will and the skill to unite and get through this”.

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