Branded merchandise specialists Steel City have woken up and smelled the coffee, or should that be waste?

“An astonishing 2.5 billion paper coffee cups are being thrown away in the UK every year, and we wanted to do something about it,” said MD James Biggin.

“Reusable branded travel mugs are very popular with our clients at the moment with both the drive to save on waste going to landfill, as well as saving money for presenting a reusable cup at many coffee shops. So we thought why not use what we do to make a difference.

“The idea of launching a pledge to encourage people to stop using disposable cups and use a reusable travel mug instead seemed like a logical and interactive way to make a change.’

Steel City are searching for 50 UK coffee lovers who cannot go a day without frequenting their favourite coffee shop, and asking them to join their #CoffeeCupPledge. All they have to do is to go disposable cup free for 30 days from the 1 – 30 September 2018 and in return will be sent a free Steel City travel mug.

“We know the UK is a coffee loving nation and are excited to see who will sign up to our pledge and how they find the month” said Marketing Executive Jennifer Burton. “Our challenge is to collectively save 500 disposable cups and at least £125 over the month, with all the proceeds being matched by Steel City and offered to a local charity.”

Submit your interest with your name, company/position, explaining why you are a coffee lover and how often you go to a coffee shop or café a week. Post to the steel-city-marketing-ltd LinkedIn page with #CoffeeCupPledge or email by the closing date of August 20. The top 50 submissions will be awarded a Steel City branded travel mug.