We often use sporting analogies when it comes to understanding business.
It works, we have experience in the sporting arena and it resonates with many due to being around sport themselves either as a participant or spectator. Thinking of business as a sport therefore, it is match day and here are our key considerations as a personal and professional coaching team that we work on with you as a business.
1. Opposition
Competition, market place, knowing your audience – competitive wise and acquisition wise.
2. Game Plan
Goal Setting and KPIs, Business Plans, Vision, Strategy, Focus and Clarity.
3. Rules
Values and belief systems you live by, your codes of conduct, company culture, best practice, discipline.
4. Formation
Team structure, roles and responsibilities, personal accountability.
5. Dressing room
Your corner, your back of house operation, systems and process.
6. Field of Play
Managing your environment, understanding your variables and starting point. Levels of self-awareness as well as acceptance of external factors that are uncontrollable.
7. Manager/Coach
Coaching, learning and development, key support figure, experienced, birds eye view, honest with you on the overall objective and the part you’re playing within it, continual improvement and excellence demanded from you.
8. The Bench
Time out, rest and recuperation, managing injury, knocks and set-backs. The all-important personal self-care, and health wellbeing of individual players and members of the team.
9. Performance
Productivity and effective working, effort, possession,
sales and financial outcomes, accuracy, work rate. Your level of input directly affects your level of output.
10. Fans and Supporters
External influence, opinions of others, greater support network. Sometimes behind you, sometimes quiet / absent and sometimes critical and fickle towards you and the circumstances.
11. Turnstiles
and Concourse Product and service offering, sales performance, client engagement, customer experience.
12. Media Coverage
Marketing platforms, personal and business branding, identity, documentation of your business, communication channels, core messages.
13. Post Match Analysis
Perception, review process, reflection, constructive evaluation, learning from mistakes, celebrating your wins.