Did you know Barnsley College Higher Education has been rated the best college in South Yorkshire for student satisfaction?* Director of quality for higher education Andrea Clarke tells unLTD all about its ‘high academic standards, expert staff, and excellent facilities’.

The College offers a range of higher-level programmes including foundation and honours degrees, Higher and Degree Apprenticeships, HNCs, HNDs and professional business and leadership courses which are validated by leading universities.

Anyone can become part of our higher education community by studying with us from September 2021.

A wide range of part-time and full-time courses are available in subjects including animal management; art and design; business and management; construction; childcare and teacher training; criminology, communities and criminal justice; health and social care; music; and sport.

The small and friendly campus offers flexible courses, designed to maximise your development, which are suitable for anyone who is wanting to study at university-level – including those that will be finishing college or sixth form, those currently in employment wanting to improve their skills and knowledge to help with a promotion or career progression, and those wanting a career change or looking to retrain.

Students will be taught in excellent facilities by staff with first-hand industry experience and will enjoy a great level of contact with their tutors throughout their course.

Those studying a higher education course with us at Barnsley College will benefit from high academic standards, expert staff who are passionate about their subjects, and excellent facilities.

Competition in the job market is fierce and a higher-level course provides the best possible chance for career progression. Combined with our excellent results and student feedback, now is the perfect time to start thinking about studying a higher-level course at Barnsley College. The new 2022 guide is available to download at: www.barnsley.ac.uk/get-a-course-guide

For more information about higher education courses at Barnsley College or to apply for a course starting in September 2021, visit www.barnsley.ac.uk/higher-education, call 01226 216 123 or email info@barnsley.ac.uk

*Barnsley College achieved 88 per cent overall student satisfaction rate in the 2019/20 NSS Satisfaction Survey.