For the fifth year running Benchmark has put Sheffield business brains to the test with the Big Fat Quiz of the Year.

This year the annual quiz was held in aid of Benchmark’s charity of the year, Museums Sheffield.

More than 150 people from different businesses across the Sheffield City Region joined Benchmark at the Millennium Gallery to test their general knowledge, with questions ranging from Sheffield’s history and culture to a ‘name that tune’ category.

As well as a brain teasing quiz, Benchmark held a raffle and silent auction with prizes donated by generous clients and partners. Prizes included behind the scenes tour at Museums Sheffield and Sheffield Theatres, tickets for Cirque De Solei at the FlyDSA Arena, tickets to live music shows donated kindly from our friends at Exposed, afternoon tea at Kenwood Hall, and a meet and greet with the Sheffield Sharks.

As well as prizes donated by clients and partners, guests were also treated to finest pork sandwiches courtesy of Lynne’s Pantry.

Benchmark’s Director, Louisa Harrison-Walker said: “It was an absolute pleasure to partner with Museums Sheffield as our charity of the year and support the fantastic work they do across the region. Ensuring that art and culture is free and accessible for all is their top priority.

“When Benchmark produced the ‘Hard to fill Vacancies’ report for the Sheffield City Region Combined Authority, creativity and innovation were some of the top listed attributes that employers look for so we are big believers in the opportunities that Museums Sheffield offer people for free, especially as arts programmes within schools are being marginalised.

“It is so critical we have Museums Sheffield to be able to offer people from all walks of life and ages access to all different types of art and culture experiences. We would also like to say well done to K Space who were crowned quiz champions and a massive thank you to so many generous clients and partners for donating prizes as we wouldn’t have been able to raise so much without them.”

Benchmark’s quiz raised a record breaking £3,431.77 which has been donated to Museums Sheffield to support their work as a charity.

Grace Brierley, Fundraising Manager at Museums Sheffield, said: “We are thrilled to have partnered with Benchmark throughout 2019. Museums Sheffield strives to make the city a better place to live, work and visit by offering inspirational spaces where everyone can engage with great art and culture.

“As a charity, we have to raise at least £1million each year in addition to the funding we receive to keep your museums free and open to everyone.

“We’re hugely grateful to Benchmark for their support throughout the year and in particular for the BM Big Fat Quiz – the whole team worked incredibly hard to make the event a resounding success.  A big thank you too to all the companies who supported on the night and generously donated raffle and auction prizes.”

Benchmark Recruit are a recruitment and retention agency specialising in creative, digital and IT, sales and marketing and office support in South Yorkshire.

Keep an eye out for dates for Benchmark’s upcoming Business Breakfast.