unLTD has welcomed popular and high-profile Sheffield business figure Dan Laver to the role of head of sales.

Dan, a familiar face on the Sheffield City Region events and networking scene, joins us from Sheffield Chamber of Commerce where he was account manager for three years.

He said: “I’ve loved unLTD magazine since issue one so joining the team is a bit of a dream role!

“unLTD isn’t driven by a political agenda – it’s a new take on raising awareness of brands, businesses and all the SCR successes.

“It has been a real hit and grown into a product the city reads and really appreciates, connecting businesses and creating a sense of community and enhancing the region’s profile.

“I’ve read features about colleagues and contacts I’ve known for years and discovered so much more about them because unLTD is about the personalities behind businesses large and small.”

unLTD sales director Phil Turner said: “Dan was, hands down, our number one choice. He’s widely known across the SCR and I’ve always been impressed by his professional, personal and people-focused approach to sales and his natural and friendly attitude.”

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