Monday, January 6th, 2020, is set to be ‘divorce day’ – the date solicitors across the land see a spike in business.

But a Sheffield divorce solicitor is keeping her fingers crossed that the festive spirit lasts until the end of January.

The ominous day always falls on the first working Monday of January as couples – who’ve just managed to hold it together for the festive period – finally throw in the towel.

But Bradie Pell, Partner and head of family law at Graysons, is hoping the recent fall in divorce rates will continue into 2020.

She said: “Just a few week’s ago the Office of National Statistics (ONS) confirmed that divorce rates in the country had fallen to their lowest level in nearly half a century.

“One of the main reasons for the decline was far more couples are choosing to cohabit rather than marry.

“Nobody wants to see a couple go through the emotional turmoil of a divorce but it’s a sad fact that it still happens on a regular basis, not just in January.  The key is ensuring you obtain early advice if you find yourself in that situation.”

Whilst January may be the most popular month for divorce, not everyone that enquires about a divorce actually goes through with it and the traditional January spike in business drops off by the end of the month and is then steadier throughout the year.

Bradie Pell added: “There’s no doubt the stresses of the festive period can push some couples over the edge with people envisaging making a “fresh start” the following year and our expertise will be in demand but, statistics show, if you can survive until the end of  January, there’s a strong chance you can look forward to a harmonious year.”


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