The Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership and Mayoral Combined Authority want to create a stronger, greener and fairer South Yorkshire.
That’s why we are asking people and businesses from across the region to have their say on the region’s new Strategic Economic Plan (SEP). This plan is the region’s vision to grow South Yorkshire’s economy over the next 20 years.
Looking beyond the response to the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, the SEP sets out how the region will build and sustain a competitive economy that unlocks growth and prosperity, creating a region that can survive and thrive.
James Muir, Chair of the LEP Board said: “Industrialising innovation and creating the skills sets to match are at the heart of this Strategic Economic Plan. These are the cornerstones in order to generate a significant uplift in productivity and spread wellbeing across as broad a spectrum of the Region’s population as possible. Our ambition is to make South Yorkshire a leading contributor to the 4th Industrial Revolution and beyond.
“We will prioritise investment that generates inclusive growth, tackling the big challenges of productivity, decarbonisation and inequality.
“We now want to hear from our communities and businesses about how we can foster a stronger culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in the future Regional economy that creates skilled jobs. We also want your insights into how we can encourage and make available opportunities for the people of South Yorkshire to develop their skills to take advantage of that demand.”
The SEP consultation opens on Monday 3 August and runs until Friday 18 September.
To have your say on the SEP and to find out more visit: