CRYSTAL Peaks shopping mall has been hailed as inspirational as it won the prestigious Yorkshire in Bloom Gold Award for the eighth year running.

The award winning Sheffield shopping centre was also named joint winner in the prestigious competition’s Large Business section.

The judges commented: “This is a truly impressive site to visit – to say that it is just a shopping centre is a little bit of an understatement.

“Areas including a wildflower area, stumpery, rockery, the wonderful living wall on the Eastern entrance and very well thought out colour coordinated baskets and planters help to create a truly enjoyable experience to everybody’s retail outing.”

The judges also praised the centre’s green initiatives, including its hedgehog houses, wormery and rooftop bee hives and they highlighted the research undertaken to encourage birds – including kestrels and swifts – onto the site.

They added: “With a small team of very dedicated gardeners they have created a wonderful place to visit – inspirational!”

Crystal Peaks Centre Manager Lee Greenwood said: “To win a Gold Award for eight consecutive years is a clear indication of our commitment to making the centre as welcoming as possible for all our visitors.

“Our congratulations go to the whole Crystal Peaks team for maintaining such a high standard of maintenance across all parts of the site – their pleasure and pride in their work is what makes these awards possible.

“And we know that our many visitors do appreciate the effort that goes into making the centre a Yorkshire in Bloom Gold Award winner.”