Caged Steel, the Doncaster based Mixed Martial Arts event promotors, have welcomed a new member. 

Asha Elizabeth will be taking on the new role as Commercial Sales Executive at Caged Steel.

She will work towards creating new partnerships between Caged Steel and a wide variety of regional and national companies – as well as nurturing the solid relationships with existing partners. Asha is also going to be the new presenter for the well received Caged Steel T.V channel.

Dom Gibbs, CEO of Caged Steel said:  “We have the greatest confidence that Asha will excel in this role, as we feel Asha possesses the same work ethic as all of our Caged Steel team.

“Asha is an avid Caged Steel supporter and also extremely enthusiastic to get involved in all of our current and future projects. We are positive Asha will be an asset to us and aid in the growth of Caged Steel, and in turn MMA domination.”