No longer the ‘poor neighbour’

The city of Sheffield is currently in a period of rapid growth and expansion that hasn’t been seen here for some time; so now is it time to ask the question of whether Sheffield is finally aspiring to the be the city we want it to be?

Is it time for the city to no longer be seen as the ‘poor neighbour’ when compared to Manchester, Leeds and Birmingham?

Over the past 24 months, we are finally seeing the city centre skyline being dominated by construction cranes, with roads shut as the old and derelict buildings of Sheffield are being knocked down and modernised in keeping with the new direction the city is going in.

Several large-scale development projects that have been in the offing for years are finally coming to fruition. This can be seen across the city, from the development of Little Kelham by Citu to the continuing development of Sheffield DC.  Acero is now 75 per cent let and Scarborough Group are planning on starting on site later this year developing the fourth building at Sheffield Digital Campus, Vidrio.

The Heart of the City 2 development that the council are bringing forward with its development partner, Queensberry, is starting to take shape.  The first phase (HSBC) is nearing completion and the further phases will be coming forward in the next few months.

The independent and creative businesses are also flourishing, with examples being seen at PR agency Jaywing Plc and drug development consultancy Certara. This sentiment is echoed by an increase in city centre office take-up, which is at levels not witnessed for some years.

We are also seeing new vibrant co-working emerging across the city centre.  Spaces have just opened a new centre in Acero and there are other co-working ventures being talked about across the city centre.

Work is planned to commence on Park Hill Phase 2 at the end of the Summer, where a full range of units will be on offer, and all I can say is watch this space!

This increase in activity is further endorsed by an upsurge in the food and beverage sector, which is going from strength to strength. There’s the Milestone Group on Kelham Island, for example, who are transforming Cutlery Works into a food hall featuring multiple restaurants, communal dining spaces and bars.

Plus, leisure units such as Cornish Steel Works and Little Kelham, which are both about to go under offer.

colloco is playing a key part in these projects, largely in its capacity as sole agent, to assist clients in making their commercial properties amazing spaces.

If you are interested in starting/relocating your business into any of the above properties, then why not get in touch with us? We’d be more than happy to help assist with your business’s relocation.

