You are brilliant at what you do, we will help you sell more of that brilliance in the right way. Affordable, low risk access to a part-time sales director who has been there, seen and done it.
I know what you think of the sales profession – the secondhand car salesperson stereotype –and that’s okay. Only 13 per cent of people believe salespeople truly understand their needs. We relish the challenge of changing this perception. Not only will you view salespeople in a different light, but you will also start to see yourself as a salesperson and you will be proud of it.
I am Hayden Fox, an experienced sales director and sales enthusiast. After a prosperous 20-year career in sales producing record results, I decided it was the right time to use what I have learned over the years – and the 700+ years’ worth of experience in my Sales Geek network – to help businesses across South Yorkshire achieve sustainable growth.
As Your Sales Director™ we get sh*t done – it is one of our company values. And of all the Geek values, it is the one that resonates with me the most. We are not your average sales consultant. You need a part-time sales director who will knuckle down and ensure the winning sales structure and strategies created are actioned.
We will leave a positive sales legacy, supporting you to develop long-term habits to ensure you benefit from our working together for years to come. This will involve upskilling your team so they can execute your growth and ambition, and have it become embedded in your culture.
We can work within your business as a sales director from three hours per month to multiple days per month – whatever works for you. I will always be available outside of these hours to ensure we are on track and have your back – Geeks care.
As Your Sales Trainer™, Geeks are always learning, and part of that process is passing knowledge to others to stay ahead of the competition. According to Forbes, 55 per cent of those who are trying to make a living from sales do not have the expertise to do it successfully. We want to change this in the region and help grow the local economy.
Creating a consistently high performing sales team is key. A programme developed and executed in line with your business needs will show you how to communicate your why and successfully move through your sales process to convert more opportunities faster. Multiple cohort courses are also available to support the needs of smaller businesses.
We also work with networking organisations and professional bodies. Give your members a training programme that will provide real value for their membership fee.
Let us get started! Geeks make it fun. I want you to enjoy our work and re-ignite your passion for your business. It is time to get excited about the future.
Check out for more information and contact Hayden direct at or call 07532 775937 for an initial chat.