The Charity Award, which launched in 2017, aims to support charities and community groups.

In May, Sheffield Mutual asked its members and the public to nominate their favourite charities. At the end of the nomination process the charity team, consisting of employees and board members, shortlisted the charities to the final ten.

The finalists are: Abbie’s Army, Autism for Supported Employment Centre, Calderdale Lighthouse, Church Army, Fareshare Yorkshire, Issabelle’s Appeal, Moo Haven, Ravens Rescue, Rush House and The Brain Tumour Charity.

The 2021 Charity Award will make donations to the top three, as voted for by the public.

Donation prizes are as follows:

1st place: £5,000

2nd place: £1,500

3rd place: £1,000

CEO Jamie Bellamy said: “Supporting local charities and community groups forms part of our culture and we’ve been pleased to make donations to more than 70 different good causes over the last six years via the Charity Award and Community Fund schemes.

“We feel it is particularly important right now to continue that support, with many charities suffering due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic and unable to raise funds as they would under normal circumstances.”

You can find out further information about these charities before you cast your vote by visiting:

Voting will close on 31 October 2021 and the winners of the Charity Award will be announced in November 2021.


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