Training the mind to reach your goals

In this article, I explore the importance of coaching for YOU as an individual, in order to maximize performance and business growth.

Why #youfirst?

As an ex professional footballer, I have experienced first-hand how a failure to ensure I am in the right shape, both physically and mentally, can affect performance. My inability at times to block out external noise affected my career. My mindset was one of ‘What if it goes wrong?’ and my whole sense of self-worth was based on external validation. This made me vulnerable and easily influenced by others. Rocky foundations indeed!

If you think you’ll fail, then you probably will. If you think you’ll succeed, then you probably will.

Read that back. Yes, it seems simple and maybe even obvious to some, but how often do we stand back and reflect on our mindset? That little voice that says, ‘Don’t do that, you’ll look stupid’, or ‘Don’t do that, it will never work’. How many dreams have stayed just that, due to fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of change?

The list could go on. If you are not willing to embrace fear and experience discomfort and vulnerability, how can you expect to grow as an individual or business? That’s why we start with #youfirst because YOU are the root of any success, both personally and professionally. Coaching is a fantastic way to help raise awareness, and re-write the script, to ensure it is in line with YOU, your beliefs, and your values.

What good is climbing the corporate ladder if the ladder is propped against the wrong wall?

15 years in a career I felt little attachment to, and a feeling that there had got to be more than this left me feeling unfulfilled. My ladder was firmly against the wrong wall, but not anymore.

A word of warning though – there is no easy route or quick fix. It requires commitment, discipline, courage, and a willingness to not only make mistakes, but to embrace them, and understand that they are an important part of the learning process.

I am now loving life as a coach and wish to inspire and motivate others to be all they can be. I now have purpose and meaning in my life, and that is available to every one of us.

So, who are you?

What are YOUR dreams, and visions for the future? What needs to happen for this to become reality?

For more information on how coaching can help, visit

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