More than 150 firms gave an insight into how their business is faring and their views on hot business matters by participating in the Doncaster Business Insight survey for Q4 2018. Their feedback will enable Doncaster Chamber, Doncaster Council and other key stakeholders to monitor economic trends, capture business sentiment and support firms in their business growth.
Firms completed the quarterly business survey to give a temperature check of how the local economy is performing, and their opinions on topical Doncaster business matters.
The results of the ‘Hot Topics’ for the fourth quarter of 2018 showed a mixed picture for businesses across the borough during the ongoing uncertainty surrounding Brexit. 45% of firms reported feeling prepared for whatever the outcome of the Brexit deal / no deal, alongside a high percentage saying they felt neither prepared nor unprepared.
Economic questions on how firms fared over the last quarter showed that on balance, overseas sales, employment expectations and employment growth showed an increase from the previous quarter. However there was a slight decrease in domestic sales from the previous results.
Firms reported that the challenges most affecting their business over the last three months were primarily Brexit and competition.
There was a drop in the percentage of firms experiencing difficulties in recruiting but of those who did, it continued to be for higher skilled and professional jobs. The picture for recruitment looks more positive for Q1 2019 as on balance more firms expect employment to increase.
Firms with a DN postcode take the survey each quarter to help monitor the local economy and issues that need addressing on behalf of the business community. For every survey completed, £1 is given to a different local charity each quarter. This last quarter, Real Help Doncaster received £156 to support local vulnerable people off the streets and into safer and healthier lifestyles.
Doncaster Business Insight, run by Doncaster Chamber in association with Doncaster Council and sponsored by ProAktive, captures a regular snapshot of business sentiment on the local economy to ensure the local business voice is heard, address any business concerns and develop the right policies/structures that support business and the economy. The results are also used by the British Chamber of Commerce to influence Whitehall and other national and international organisations including the Bank of England.
Read full Q4 2018 results
Read Q4 2018 results at a glance