Globally renowned visual effects and animation studio, Jellyfish Pictures, is expanding its northern office base in Sheffield just six months after moving into the City. The company chose to locate initially at Sheffield Technology Parks which provides a unique support package for tech companies relocating to Sheffield or wanting to expand operations in the north of England. Now with Sheffield Technology Parks’ help the company has outgrown their current office space with an expanding creative team.


Tom Wolfenden, CEO of Sheffield Technology Parks, explains, “I’m thrilled to see Jellyfish staying in Sheffield and creating high value jobs for talented local individuals. Sheffield is a fantastic base for any business and it is fitting that we were able to prove that to Jellyfish through our LOCATE project.”


Sheffield Technology Parks is a non-profit economic development agency focussed on making Sheffield the best place to start, grow and locate a tech business. Through its  LOCATE project, the agency provides free office space for the first three months together with a package of support, including introductions to local networks of relevant contacts.


Tom Wolfenden adds, “Our LOCATE project allows businesses to test if Sheffield is right for them, removing financial risk and commitment from their relocation or expansion plans.

We work closely with companies to help them soft-land into the City, helping them to cement their business here and ensure success in Sheffield.”


Jellyfish Pictures has an impressive catalogue of film and television credits to its name, including several of the Star Wars series, Captive State, and Kingsman: The Secret Service, as well as streaming hits The Innocents and Black Mirror from Netflix. With a growing order book, the company needed a fresh source of creative talent that could be put in place quickly. Establishing a northern office base in Sheffield provided ready access to an existing community of talent.


Sarah Tanner, HR Director at Jellyfish Pictures, said, “Sheffield Technology Parks has made our move to Sheffield so easy! Tom and the team were so friendly, professional and helpful, advising us along the way. It made it seamless to set up in a new region, where it might have been so much harder. This allowed us to concentrate on day to day running of the business and now, successfully expanding, making the move a real success.”


The new Jellyfish Pictures team is expanding from Sheffield Technology Parks to new workspace operator WIZU at the recently refurbished 32 Eyre St building.